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A place to read Grandmama's ideas and product reviews; and to purchase products that are attractive, healthy and productive for the children in your life.


Top Rated Toys

card table hideout
In truth, the best toys are those children make for themselves.  A shaky old card table with the cat's blanket over it becomes a hide out or a castle.

 A box becomes a dandy pirate ship.

shipping box pirate ship

A couple of refrigerator boxes and some paint make a first rate playhouse
Card Board Box Play House
My Adrian and Mariah spent months with Gwyneth, the little girl across the street, creating "dog traps" out of neighborhood cast offs.  I've never received a particularly understandable definition of a "dog trap" but Mariah, Adrian, and Gwyneth apparently were quite clear about it and were able, as well, to create variations on the basic design.  When I would ask about it, they would just look at me like I was asking them to explain the obvious.  That is some serious play.